Why translation and localization services important for global reach?


When it comes to messaging to the local crowds there are two methods used, one is translation and the other is, localization. However, to note the differences, there is not much a difference than the difference of approach and understanding the requirement of the local messaging. For instance, whether you are looking for bridging language barriers or adapting and refining messaging, if you want it to be later, localization services are of the great importance. Essentially, for greater impact, localization can definitely be a logical tool for branding.

Gone are the days when the literal translation used to be the only method available for messaging as these days the companies are looking for localized messaging. Needless to say there are several issues with literal translation, often done by machine learning or Artificial Intelligence solutions. One major issue with such translation is that intent and clarity often gets muddled as the source language or translation remains in a primitive, word-to-word state. This can though be avoided by human interference; it becomes a difficult job for the human translator.

Localization is more than language

The classical definition of any localization process is that it is a process of adapting a product's translation to a specific country or region. However, it is not just limited to translation as it is the second phase of a larger process that includes cultural adaptation. For instance, differences in distinct markets are taken into consideration for greater acceptance in the locality. The process goes in two ways i.e. internationalization and localization and both of these work together or simultaneously.

In localization process the efforts are made to minimize machine translations by adapting to the professional editing cycle i.e. linguists are hired to do the job. Thus, whether it is a website or a blog, the translation is done by the linguists who are well versed with the language and at the same time they have done their research on the local culture, ethos and practices. Understanding the local practices and lingo is quite important for localization of the content as the terms often come in the process.

Human Interference is required for quality translation and localization services

It has been found by translation and localization services providers over the years that when the job is done by machines, there is always an issue of absence of human touch. For instance, there are terms and emotions that are part of any language; however, the machine in all probabilities would not be able to catch those, instead it would do just literal translation. However, there is a solution for such an issue i.e. machine translations followed by a professional editing cycle, this process has worked wonderfully for a large number of businesses.

It is also important to understand that the translation done by the linguists could also be mechanical if there is lack of research on the part of the translator. Therefore, even if a highly trained linguist translates a website's source language, it can still lack the level of cultural and technical nuance. Interestingly, it is required to effectively resonate with the new audience and their set of terms which can be found only with the help of deep research. Interacting with the local people and knowing their language could do a great job in localization of language though.

Cultural Influences Should Be Taken into Consideration

Today everything is local and global at the same time as even a small event in the remote corner of the world becomes global within an hour thanks to social media and other modes of communications. Therefore, there is always an element of both of these tendencies even in the content. Taking up the translated content to a local market is easy when it is localized well in the target language. Similarly, a localized content can be internationalized with the help of quality translation in English. 

What makes localization effective process is still a debatable issue; however, the following are considered important for the end goal:

·         Knowing the colors, shapes, sizes, styles

·         Understanding the images, icons, graphics

·         Finding out societal codes like humor, etiquette, rituals, myths, symbols, etc.

·         Gaining information on societal values, power, relationships, beliefs

·         Focusing on date and time formats, telephone numbers, and contact information, etc. is also important

·         Localized standards for weights, measurements, geographical references

·         Research on language and linguistic content, product descriptions, reviews, etc. is also vital for localization


As it appears quite clear, the there is stark difference between literal translation and translation done by linguists keeping local culture and practices. Whereas it is quite important to understand the requirement for localized translation for it serves the purpose well by right messaging, it is difficult process and quite time consuming. The translators or linguists also work on knowing the local people and their idiosyncrasies to understand the language well and produce the most professional translation and localization services.



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